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Tecnología educativa

Vol. 13 (2022): XIII Congreso Internacional Ideice

Learning Based on Interactive Didactic Games as a Strategy for Teaching Mathematics in 5th Grade at the Cacique Don Francisco Bonao Polytechni

May 23, 2024


The science of mathematics has constantly been a challenge for Dominican education, due to the fact that students come with fear since elementary school, in addition to the fact that they do not show interest in it and because of the teacher's teaching of the subject, which is quite traditional, therefore, it does not involve technology and creativity. The objective is to show the results of the application of learning based on interactive didactic games as a strategy to teach mathematics in 5th grade at the Cacique Don Francisco Bonao Polytechnic. The methodology applied is that of action research, with a qualitative approach and under the Kemmis model. The population consisted of 13 students between 16 and 17 years of age. The data were collected through reflective diaries, photos, videos, field notes, among others, evidenced that the students showed: little interest in the subject, little participation, deficiency of basic and previous contents. The results indicated that interactive didactic games suitable for teaching were applied, making use of ICTs and material resources in 100%. The participation of students in the teaching-learning process was 100%. The positive impact of the use of interactive didactic games for teaching mathematics was 100%. We conclude that after a good implementation of learning based on interactive didactic games for the teaching of mathematics, it proved to be effective and satisfactory.


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