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Tecnología educativa

Vol. 13 (2022): XIII Congreso Internacional Ideice

Theoretical-Methodological Approach for the Use of Virtual Platforms in Distance Higher Education in Costa Rican Prisons

May 23, 2024


As part of the research process of the doctoral thesis in Educational Sciences, this article exposes part of the progress achieved with a view to formulating a theoretical-methodological proposal for the implementation of virtual platforms in the Costa Rican prison system. This process is developed in the Thesis Seminar I, of the Catholic University of Cibao, in the Dominican Republic, in an investigation that arises from the interest of the Distance State University of Costa Rica to implement virtual platforms in teaching under the modality distance for the population deprived of liberty, complying with the principles of equality and equity for its students, regardless of their legal status and physical location, in full compliance with security regulations. Since 1979, the Distance State University is the only higher education institution present in Costa Rican prisons, currently meeting the requirements of an average enrollment of 450 students per semester in 13 closed centers, in the academic degrees of diploma, baccalaureate, bachelor's degree and postgraduate. However, it is not until 2021 that he is allowed to use the Internet to teach in prisons, requesting the protection of computer security in his virtual learning environments. In order to contribute to this process that is currently authorized to the University by the Ministry of Justice and Peace, it is intended to work, from a qualitative approach, on a proposal for the implementation of virtual platforms for teaching in prisons, located from the theoretical approach of Social Constructionism, with a theoretical-methodological process based on the production of meanings in everyday life through the analysis of discursive practices.


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