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Conference paper

Vol. 14 (2023): XIV Congreso Internacional Ideice

Self-reported and Perceived Physical Activity Levels and Health of Secondary School Students of Educational District 0805 between the Years 2019-2023

December 27, 2023


The general objective of this study was to analyze the levels of self-reported and perceived physical activity and the relationship with the health of secondary school students in educational district 0805 between the years 2019-2023. In this study, a descriptive and cross-sectional quantitative approach was used through a survey. Non-probabilistic convenience sampling was used to select the sample. A total of 578 students participated in this research in 2019 and 712 in 2023, all enrolled in the second cycle of secondary education (54.7% girls and 45.3% boys) aged between 15 and 18 years (16.8 ±1.7). The International Student Lifestyle Questionnaire (CIEVA) will be used as a data collection instrument. In conclusion, students must be aware of their reality, since being sedentary and perceiving themselves as active could have repercussions on health.


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