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Conference paper

Vol. 14 (2023): XIV Congreso Internacional Ideice

Strategic Planning as an Influencing Factor in the Supervision and Control of the Regional Directorate of Education No. 14 of Nagua, Fiscal Year 2023

December 27, 2023


The supervision and control of the provision of educational services is the most important task that the regional has. To accomplish this task, it is essential to have effective strategic planning that guides the actions and resources of the institution. However, the learning results are not as desired, so the regional's work faces a series of challenges. In this sense, it is important to determine the influence of strategic planning on the supervision and control processes of the Regional. This research is important because it could help improve educational quality, since, by evaluating the influence of strategic planning on supervision and control processes, learning efforts can be redirected. Regarding the methodology, this research has a quantitative approach through a correlational and non-experimental design, with the participation of 180 technicians, the survey as a technique and the questionnaire as an instrument.

It is concluded that the level of influence of strategic planning on the supervision and control processes is very high. Strategic planning positively impacts crucial areas of supervision and control, evidenced by significant improvements in objectives, process efficiency, cost reduction and quality improvement. Although obstacles such as resource allocation and prioritization of strategic objectives are identified, the high perception of alignment and favorable acceptance of strategic planning suggest opportunities to manage changes in a more focused way.


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