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Conference paper

Vol. 14 (2023): XIV Congreso Internacional Ideice

Curricular Approach and Skills Development, Regional 04, year 2023, San Cristóbal, Dominican Republic

December 22, 2023


The research revolves around curricular development in the San Cristóbal province, analyzing the achievement of the learning proposed for pre-university education. Given that, after the twelve-year training journey, the students of regional 04 do not demonstrate the competencies designed for them at the end of this period. This is evidenced in the results of the Pisa test, national diagnostic assessment, and national tests. In this sense, an attempt is made to evaluate the implementation of the teaching and learning methodologies and strategies of the competencies of the national curriculum through this mixed and descriptive research that seeks to provide answers guided by the objectives proposed for it. An instrument structured according to the questions, after validation, was applied to a representative sample of teachers. These instruments will respond to the variables of didactic methodology, curriculum component, dimensions of the standards and competency evaluation. Likewise, teaching support is provided using a classroom checklist to observe and document elements seen in different areas at levels and modalities to compare the answers given in the interview or survey instrument. The most relevant results show that teachers in the distinct levels of the system operate with their backs to the expected learning and that the causes of the existing dysfunctions in the development of competencies lie in methodological aspects.


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