The main objective of this study was to address the relationship between educational institutional autonomy and the implementation of the competency-based curriculum approach in educational institutions. A mixed methodology was employed, integrating both quantitative and qualitative approaches. In the quantitative approach, a questionnaire was used to gather and analyze data on key variables, such as institutional autonomy and the implementation of the competency-based curriculum approach. A pilot test was conducted with directors and teachers from the educational institutions to validate the reliability and objectivity of the results. Statistical techniques such as frequency, percentage, and proportions were utilized, along with Spearman's correlation coefficient to measure the association between the variables. In the qualitative approach, field notes, natural discourse analysis, and unstructured interviews were employed. A semi-structured questionnaire was also sent via email, using the Likert scale, to teachers and directors of the investigated educational institutions. The results demonstrated a highly significant relationship between educational institutional autonomy and the implementation of the competency-based curriculum approach. As educational institutional autonomy increases, the implementation of the competency-based curriculum approach is strengthened. It is concluded that there is a correlation between the studied variables, and their impact on the performance of both teachers and students was confirmed.
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