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Conference paper

Vol. 14 (2023): XIV Congreso Internacional Ideice

Strategies that teachers use to promote reading and writing in third grade

October 21, 2023


This research is focused on identifying the main strategies used by teachers to promote reading and writing in third grade, with the main objective of comparing these strategies used by third grade teachers from four public schools and one private school in Casco urban area of the municipality of Neyba. The problem observed is the difficulty of students in acquiring the reading and writing process at the end of the first cycle of primary level, and the end of automatic promotion for the Dominican Republic, which is why it is essential to complete the process of literacy at this grade. The methodology to be used consists of identifying the results of the diagnostic tests provided by the Minerd (Ministry of Education of the Dominican Republic), to later observe a class and conduct an interview with the teachers. The main results showed that there are no significant differences between public schools and private schools, however, a significant difference was noted between the results of schools in the rural vs. urban part of the municipality of Neyba, as well as 40 % of the teachers use dialogic inquiry as a base strategy for promoting literacy, 30 % use discovery learning, and only 20 % use games.


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