The overloading of school backpacks is one of the factors that affect low back pain, approximately 568 million people in the world suffer from this type of affections, in about 160 countries there are reports of this disease which together with other musculoskeletal disorders are the main cause of disability in the world. The objective of this research is to determine the influence of ICTs on the weight of high school students' backpacks. The study was carried out with 340 high school students from different educational centers in Greater Santo Domingo and the National District, taking into account their gender, age, body weight, backpack weight and grade. The results obtained show that the students under investigation have a good relationship between their body weight and the weight of their backpacks, where 100% do not exceed 15% of their body weight. In conclusion, the inclusion of ICTs in the teaching-learning process has facilitated the transport of the school backpack, which contributes significantly to postural hygiene, and also benefits the lumbar health of the students and prevents back pain and the suffering of this type of disease.
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