Postural hygiene is of great importance in the primary school environment, however, students currently have little knowledge about which habits and postural attitudes are harmful to health, and one of the problems is the increase of weight in the school backpack, the objective of this research is to know the usefulness of technology and its influence on the weight of the backpack of primary school students. This study was carried out with students from first to sixth grade of elementary school from different educational centers, where data on sex, age, body weight, weight of the backpack and the participant's grade were collected. The results show that the integration of electronic devices in the educational processes influences the load of the students' backpacks, due to the fact that they maintain a weight of no more than 15% of their body weight. In conclusion, the integration of technology in schools has prevented students from carrying excessive weight in their school backpacks; therefore, students carry less than 15% of their body weight and will acquire fewer diseases in the future by carrying an adequate weight in their backpacks.
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