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Conference paper

Vol. 14 (2023): XIV Congreso Internacional Ideice

Psycho-pedagogical approach to young people in first secondary school with disruptive behaviors originating from families at psychosocial risk

October 20, 2023


Adolescence is a transitory stage in the life of all individuals that denotes fundamental aspects of a future adult. Having emotional stability will lead to experiencing it and evoking it in a pleasant way, which is most likely the beginning of stable individuals integrated into society. for their benefit and the common good, otherwise it could happen if the stage is experienced with family and school adversities. The following work was carried out with the objective of knowing the causes that affect disruptive behaviors of first-grade secondary school students, who, by living with families in situations of psychosocial risk, generate conflictive situations in their school environment that negatively affect both their academic life as well as the coexistence that must prevail among peers, staff, teachers, psychologists, educational psychologists and the community in general. The descriptive study made it possible to obtain information about the childhood of fathers, mothers and guardians and the impact of their upbringing on the formation of their sons or daughters. Both dependent and independent variables were linked, allowing data to be collected from each of the actors who interact daily with the adolescents, in turn, the information was compared with the results that showed, detachment and lack of accompaniment of the parents towards their children. or daughters, as well as aspects to improve by the School Guidance Unit, in terms of addressing the different cases that arise among adolescents.


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