Teacher stress represents a global challenge that impacts educators worldwide, including the Dominican Republic. This type of stress can arise from several reasons related to the work environment, emotional and psychological factors, and its impact extends to both the physical and mental health of educators. Furthermore, it affects the quality of education provided. This study aims to analyze the relationship between coping strategies and stress levels experienced by primary school teachers.
The research involved 123 teachers in San Pedro de Macoris and was carried out with a quantitative approach using a correlational, descriptive, and comparative design. The results revealed that more than 20% of teachers experience stress levels categorized as high or remarkably high. Additionally, a weak positive relationship was identified between stress and coping strategies such as "Problem Solving," "Emotional Expression," "Wishful Thinking," "Social Support," and "Cognitive Restructuring." On the other hand, significant negative correlations were found with "Self-Criticism" and "Social Withdrawal."
These findings underscore the importance of addressing teacher stress comprehensively, considering both coping strategies and accumulated service experience. Implementing programs to support well-being and stress management in the educational field is crucial to enhance teachers' quality of life and, ultimately, optimize the teaching and learning process for students.
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