In today's society, digital competence has become essential, especially in the education of students with disabilities. Teachers play a crucial role in fostering social and digital inclusion, but often lack practical digital competencies. Thus, this study conducts a qualitative research to identify the level of preparation of university faculty at the University of Almeria (Spain) in digital competencies, as well as to identify the barriers that hinder teachers' digital competency training. The results show that the teaching staff is not prepared or trained to use ICTs to support students with disabilities. Among the main barriers are the time limitation, the limited training offer, the economic cost of training courses and the lack of knowledge and disinterest of some teachers. Training in digital skills to support students with disabilities is insufficient, leading to digital exclusion. The lack of skills and identified barriers need to be addressed to enable teachers to access the necessary training and use technology effectively in inclusive education. Information and Communication Technologies have the potential to improve the quality of life in the educational environment, but their appropriate use requires adequate preparation on the part of teachers. The study has limitations in the representativeness of the sample and the need for further studies in this field of research.
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