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Conference paper

Vol. 14 (2023): XIV Congreso Internacional Ideice

Study of Working Memory and Attention in Academic Performance in Second Grade Students of the Urania Montás Annexed School

October 19, 2023


Working memory and attention are neuropsychological variables that determine academic performance, and this is a point of concern for schools. This research aims to determine the relationship between working memory and attention in the academic performance of second-year students of the Urania Montás Annexed School. The methodology of the study is quantitative, with a non-experimental, descriptive and correlational design; the study population made up of students of this degree, to whom the WISC-IV Wechsler test (1991) was applied. In the results, a relationship between working memory and attention was ruled out through Pearson's correlation, since the students showed a high level in both functions; However, no relationship was found between these and academic performance.


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